History has repeatedly proven to us how great men were born. They were born from their failures. A challenge or an obstacle comes in a form of disguise but sadly we fail to unveil this disguise to reveal the experience from it. Life throws many curves down our road not to test us but to learn to drive with more finesse. A learner driver becomes an excellent one only after he has driven on curvy & uneven roads. The driver enjoys when he has conquered the road towards the end of each journey. So why don't we accept failures as experiences which when overcome we will rise above feeling like winners. Some of the great people were 1- Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before inventing a light bulb 2- Dhirubaiambani at 16 was working as a clerk but had huge dreams and today we all are aware of his sheer hard work Reliance 3- Amitabh Bacchan was rejected as he was too tall and lanky looking and did not have what it takes to be on tv. Today the only Bollywood actor to be working actively. 4- NarendraModi from a humble chai vendor to the Prime Minister. All these people has risen like a phenoix every time that life has thrown a gogly towards them. They have made the most of the situation. So can we!!! Experience a failure for a few seconds, learn from it and then again give yourself a kick of motivation to fulfill your dreams. By- Pooja Punjabi Psychologist & Hypnotherapist