Hope is when you desire with anticipation that your wish may get fulfilled. Faith is a strong belief in something. We all hope for the best in life and hope for our loved ones to recieve a good life, but deep down somewhere in the deepest recesses of our mind we have doubt and are fearful if all that we wish for is it really going to come true? We are always asked to hope but in reality hope is just our uncertainty masked with a thick curtain of forceful positive thinking. It's nothing but our fear wearing a cloak of Hope. When you hope just notice there is an anxious feeling lingering around which you may not be able to pinpoint easily as to what is bothering you? But when you open your awareness you will realize that its the fear that's subtly tormenting you. So what to do? Simple Have FAITH Faith in yourself , in God or universe. Faith is having trust that the universe will attend to your wishes, that your voice is being heard. Having Faith in yourself to achieve your true absolute potential. I am not talking about blind Faith because again when we do that we give ourselves to the mercy of something that we have presumed to be powerful than us. You have Faith with complete awareness that you are a powerful supreme being. Faith that the universe & God is one with you always. So let's have Faith and give away hope. Happy Weekend. By - Pooja Punjabi Psychologist & Hypnotherapist