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For many decades we have believed that when anything good happens in our life , we are lucky and if a misfortune strikes we consider it to be our fate . We have been enforcing this conditioning to future generations. If all our life was written by someone up there GOD , he would have not given up free will or a mind. God or the universal power would have created us as animals, whose objective is basic survival food & shelter. We are created as Humans and been gifted with a beautiful mind with a free will. Our life is a series of choices we make, hence we create our own reality. No God is punishing or rewarding us. Let's stop being Victims & learn to be powerful creators. This is HOW- 1- Use your awareness , not logic. Awareness is when you reach within to gain answers. Answers may sometimes be logical sometimes intutive. 2- Make conscious choices. If a certain choice fails to work for you, don't stop you haven't failed. Choose again. Once we begin to respond with awareness& make choice that's when we are implementing our FREE WILL. So let's create with our will and not fate.

By - Pooja Punjabi

Psychologist & Hypnotherapist

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