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Judgement whoa! Sounds heavy already. Judgements are nothing but the thoughts we perceive and receive from people. we have adapted to these judgements as the absolute truth and have begun operating out of them. We have become the judgements and lost our true identity or self in the process. What people perceive about us is secondary. What we feel think about ourselves is top priority. We are in constant state of judgement about # our body ( appearance & weight) # our lifestyle # our behaviour # our choices & decisions # about people The best ways to step out of Judgements is 1- Judgement is nothing but a point of view 2-Respect & acknowledge a Point of view, but do not attach an emotion to it. 3- Filter the view from your awareness if u feel it resonates with you only them imply on it or else discard it. 4 - Every word is not to be taken so seriously and given precious time & energy. Let some comments drift past you. So bye bye Judgements from today. By - Pooja Punjabi Psychologist & Hypnotherapist

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