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" I Know ..." we have all used this phrase or heard this phrase often. Usually when we hear this phrase we feel the person saying it , is either trying to show off or boast about the knowledge they have. Yet there is a complete different way of saying I know, when we operate from the knowing of the universe. When we say it not with arrogance but with confidence.

Knowing is when we are integrated with our spirit, body, universe and we just know that a certain thing is right for us. That is the moment we are in complete awareness of our choice, that miniscule second we are in the present and we align ourselves to the Universe. Knowing does not come from the past experiences or the future predictions or calculations. It comes from being in the now. And letting the integral part of our soul be awaken.

Think back of the times when you just were in the knowing. To align to the soul, body and universe just trust the awareness that comes, without any ounce of doubt. Practice everyday for 2-5 mins, it will slowly awaken that part of you.

By - Pooja Punjabi

Psychologist & Therapist

Motivational Coach

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